In the Know #65

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Our free "In the Know" newsletter is published and delivered via email several times a year.

Topics include Health & Training Tips, Genetics, New Research Findings, Socialization and many others.

If you're a dog breeder or enthusiast you should sign up for our newsletter. Your email address is never sold or shared.

Year Published: 


Merry Christmas from Dr. Battaglia

Dogs with Christmas Atire

Living Longer

Based on a vetrnairan study of 3.4 million dog owners, their predicted life expectancy is 12 years longer than non-dog owners. How is this happening?

Two primary reasons:

  1. 97% of doctors say, owning a dog improves owner health because dog owners are more active and spend more time with their dog.
  2. 20 million owners walk their dogs 5 times a week which reduces their incidence of obesity.

Calories and Diets = longer life

Recent studies found that dogs aged less and lived nearly two years longer if they ate less. The 14-yearlong study by Nestle Purina Pet Care Co., involved 48 Labrador Retrievers from seven litters. Dogs were paired off, with one being fed 25% less than its siblings starting at 8 weeks of age. The thinner dogs lived for a median of 13 years and had fewer diseases.

Aging dogs

Japanese scientists studied aging and achiness and found a good and effective way to help dogs by using the Keno Pet Pad which relieves pain and aching joints. Developed as a pad for use under sheets on humans beds, this pad also works well for aging dogs.

keno petpad

Training Tips:

  • Be consistent. Don't give in when the dog begs. Consistency is key to changing behavior.
  • Feed your dog before yourself. Dogs are less hungry and are apt to settle down when you eat.
  • Reward good behavior. Dogs learn faster if you reward desired behavior every time.

Pedigree Strengths and Weaknesses

Our software helps breeders better understand the strengths and weaknesses in the ancestors, along with the carriers, normal and affected ancestors.


With one click, Stickdog Pedigree software generates the Traditional pedigree with names, titles and certifications. A second click generates a Stick Figure pedigree so that color codes can be applied to the seven structural traits of conformation. A third click generates the Symbols Pedigree which is used to code carriers, normals and affected ancestors. A User Manual provides step by step instructions. TRY IT FREE FOR 30 DAYS.

Choosing the Best Puppies - Learning to stimulate the Neurological System

A study shows (which study?) that breeders are wrong more than 60% of the time in choosing puppies. This DVD shows how to pick puppies and includes a demonstration of how to stimulate the neurological system in newborn pups starting at 3 days of age.

Choosing the Best Puppy DVD Label

Seminar Synopsis

Watch the synopsis of each of our seminars. When new information and scientific findings are reported, they are added into our seminars. That is why our seminars continue to be popular. Nothing beats hands-on and useful information.

"Structure, Movement and Pedigree Analysis" focuses on learning how to recognize good structure and movement and how to use your hands to see what your eyes can’t.

"Making of a Super Dog" is based on new research and offers step by step instructions on producing healthier, smarter and more trainable dogs with stronger heart beats, greater tolerance of stress and greater resistance to disease.

Continuing Education

This free Newsletter is subscribed to by more than 10,000 dog lovers who read our articles, these newsletters and attend our seminars. If you do not see a seminar near your residence, ask your club to host one. They meet AKC’s annual education requirement.

Keys to Success

There are volumes of information available on most subjects, which is why we believe that “Those who don't read have no advantage over those who can't.”